There is not a single person who can deny that life on this world is temporary. Now, at the end of time, the longest that a person can live according to the world record is 150 years. After that everyone believes in death, and after death there is the Hereafter. Many people believe in the Hereafter, with only a few not believing in it.Muslims, in particular, firmly believe in the existence of the Hereafter, which is where life is eternal. The Hereafter has comfort and difficulties just like in this world, only that the level of comfort and difficulties between this world and the next is vastly different. As a rough example, this difference is akin to the comparable comfort of living in a tree to the comfort of living in a palace, while the comparable difficulties are that of an ant bite to being eaten by a hungry lion.The border between this world and the Hereafter is the Barzakh world, or the world in the grave. This is a waiting area where the dead are held before moving on to the Hereafter. There are comforts and difficulties here, too. The Barzakh world is comparable to a border between countries, where there are comforts and suffering, just like all other worlds.Although Muslims believe in the Hereafter, the Barzakh between this world and the Hereafter, as well as that the comforts and suffering that exist there are greater than the comforts and suffering in this world, they are frequently forgetting it. If Allah Taala let us feel the difference right now, then all people would quickly push aside everything of this world and dedicated everything for the Hereafter.Even so, because human beings initially live their lives in this world, this world which is closer and cheaper, they experience the comforts and sufferings in this world first. They fall in love with their lives here. They become neglectful, distracted, and forget the lives they will live in the Hereafter.Due to this, they will dedicate all their time and effort to chase after the comfort and avoid the sufferings in this world. They will rack their brains, work their limbs day and night diligently despite whatever obstacles come in their way. Although they suffer with hardships that inflict them, they face them determinedly. Sometimes if they are searching for profit, they will suffers losses, or if they are searching for luxury, they will find misery. Happiness is what they are looking for, but they find unhappiness. Even so, people never get tired or lose hope or give up, and they continue using what strength they have to continue on their journey for worldly happiness. In the end, there is no space in their lives to dedicate to the Hereafter, or they only give what leftovers they have. Even then they feel that it is difficult, boring, lowly or embarrassing. But in our own experience, is the pursuit of the Hereafter that is more important than the pursuit of this world. The Hereafter is far more amazing and extraordinary than this world, and so to is the work for the Hereafter. Although the work is important, Allah Taala would make it easy. That is the blessings of God for His servants that want to go there. This world, on the other hand, is cheap, so worldly work would become difficult and unimportant. This is the way that things should be. But human beings do not think this way, and feel that that work for the Hereafter is difficult, although they in fact easier than work that is to be done for this world. Humans feel that it is the other way around. This proves that this world attracts and influences Muslims so much although the work that is to be done for it is more difficult when you think about the attraction of the promise of the incomparable Hereafter.Let us look at a few examples of how worldly work is in fact difficult despite the assumption made by people that it is easy because of how attractive it appears. On the other hand, work for the Herafter is so easy but people think that it is difficult because of how unattractive it appears. I will mention a few to compare below.
1. Which is more difficult, the two rakaat of the Subuh prayers that take 20 to 30 minutes, or the 8-hour work days of people who are looking for money. Then there labourers whose work is physically demanding. And yet there are still Muslims who are not willing to spend those 20 to 30 minutes praying Subuh, but are able to work 8-hour days if there is money involved.
2. Which is more difficult, helping a friend for Allah Taala for maybe an hour or two, compared to a walkathon event that can take hours, going over hills and rivers and valleys, all for publicity and glamour. A walkathon is difficult and tiring, but people can do it. It is helping friends that feels difficult.
3. Which is more difficult, forgiving others as Allah Taala commands us to, or climbing Mount Kinabalu for glamour and pride. By not climbing Mount Kinabalu is not a crime, but people are more able of climbing that mountain than forgiving others.
4. Going for congregational prayers that do not take up that much time, do not require long-distance travelling and do not tire the body, compared to going camping and wasting time hanging out at far away places such as in the woods, at the seaside or next to a river, taking up time and money as well as leaving the body weak with exhaustion. But still people are more willing to go camping than to go to congregational prayers. Sometimes this leads to the fights in the household between husbands and their wives that feel irritated with neglect.
5. Going to study overseas in order to obtain degrees that take years to achieve, just so to eventually be able to get a decent salary-paying job, but in the process have to leave behind your parents and hometown, along with sacrificing money and on some occasions even having to die over there. Which is more difficult: that, or to spend an hour or so in a mosque for religious classes in order to improve the soul, without the need to sacrifice a great deal of time or money, and there is no need to leave behind your parents or hometown. Of course it is more difficult to go overseas to study, compared to studying in a mosque for a mere hour. But people are more willing to go overseas than to a mosque.
6. Which is more difficult, spending a few hours for your parents, who in turn give you food, clothes and all other necessities, compared to spending days and money for a boyfriend or girlfriend. Sometimes they are not even honest to you, and are seeing someone else behind your back. It is more difficult to tend to a boyfriend or girlfriend compared to parents.
7. Which is heavier, donating hundreds of ringgit to useless clubs and entertainment centres or donating ten or maybe twenty ringgit to the poor. Of course it is more of a burden to spend such large amounts of money on entertainment centres, but people do it for the sake of publicity or to keep their pride in the public eye. Sometimes the wife finds out and nags the husband for spending the money that way, but they are willing to face that risk.
8. Watching movies that destroy morals or reading nonsensical books that can take hours, until they cause fights with parents or between spouses. Which is a more difficult sacrifice, that or to zikir or read the al-Qur'an for 30 minutes. Of course watching those movies or reading those books which lead to fights is more of a waste of time compared to zikir or reading the al-Qur'an.
9. Which is more difficult, gambling or going to the disco to drink liquor which only wastes time and money and causes fights between spouses until the household is threatened, or to occasionally help a neighbour in need that will form bonds of love between neighbours. Of course helping a neighbour in need is easier, but people are not willing to do so. People are more willing to gamble, go to disco and drink alcohol until their household is in tatters, and they get into fights and build up debts.
10. People who suffer such things as being killed, lied about, caught, sent to prison, mocked, gossiped about, insulted and condemned as more often those who lie, cheat, steal, hurt, rape, commit adultery, bribe and fight for ideology, rather than those who work for halal livelihood and struggle for Islam. Of course this is because who look for halal livelihoods and struggle for Islam are in the minority compared to those who do evils. But people are willing to take the risks for those evil deeds or worldly profits. But if it is to do good deeds or search for the truth, they are not willing to do it.After analysing the differences between work for the Hereafter and work for the world, it is work for the world that is more wicked, sinful and carries a heavier burden than work that is halal and carried out for the Hereafter. Even so, people are not willing to work for the Hereafter although work that is for this is world is more difficult and tiresome.This shows that at heart, Muslims place more priority on this world than the Hereafter although this world is cheap and temporary compared to the Hereafter which is eternal and more beautiful.
The old adage is true: love is blind. Once you love something you become to blind to everything else, no matter how beautiful and special the others things are. Like a person who has fallen in love with another, they forget everything else, they forget their family, they forget to eat drink, they forget their work and so on so forth. It is because of this love that they are willing to suffer any hardships and face any risk.This is what has happened to those who have fallen in love with the world and forgotten the Hereafter. They are willing to face all sorts of risks and difficulties, and sometimes are even willing to die for it. But for the Hereafter, which is more special, even though it is easier to work for it, people feel that it is more a burden because they do not love it.After we have analysed that work the world is more difficult and dangerous, and has worse consequences than work for the Hereafter, what would we say to God later? There is no excuse. Thus, more people will enter Hell than Heaven.